Benefits of Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang-Ylang means “the flower of flowers” owing to its beautiful scent. Ylang-Ylang essential oil emits a sweet, floral, and uplifting aroma that makes you feel relaxed and calm. Historically, Ylang-Ylang essential oil was used to treat minor cuts, wounds, or burns. It was even considered to have the property of healing snake bites and insect bites. It was also used to address infections of the intestine, typhus, and even malaria. The aroma of the flower was also used for its aphrodisiac components. Today, it’s popular around the globe for its soothing effects that eliminate stress and anxiety.

  • Reduces anxiety: The linalool present in the Ylang-Ylang essential oil is known to have properties that reduce anxiety and promote a feeling of wellness and serenity. It even consists of antidepressant components and aids in reducing insomnia and tension among people who face apprehensions.
  • Reduces blood pressure: According to a study performed in 2013, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as the heart rate could be reduced considerably in an experiment conducted on healthy men. It could even alleviate palpitations and is known to reduce the level of cortisol present in the human body. The cortisol is also known as the stress hormone. By doing so the blood pressure levels of the body could also be brought under control effectively. The circulation is also enhanced because of its hypotensive quality and consequently reduces blood pressure.
  • Combats fungal infection: The linalool, germacrene-D as well as geranyl acetate in Ylang-Ylang essential oil are known to have antifungal properties that work against any attack of fungal infection on the skin. Some studies state the use of this oil could eliminate conditions caused by Candida Albicans, which is a kind of yeast. They usually cause rashes and severe itching at the affected site.
  • Reduce Malarial symptoms: Ylang-Ylang oil is stated to alleviate malaria and malaria based symptoms in Java. Even in Vietnam, it is known for its medicinal properties to fight against malaria. There have been recent studies that ascertain these claims as well.
  • Increases sexual desire: The essence of this oil is well-known from traditional times to augment the libido and elevate the sensuality between couples and is known as the flower of love. In Indonesia the Ylang-Ylang flower is scattered over the bed of newly-wed couples which is a folk remedy. The Ylang-Ylang oil is known to calm the senses and improve mental health and as the mood is known to link sexual experiences it could enhance the sensuality.
  • Diminishes Acne: Studies have stated its dermatological use could balance the sebum production of the skin and in turn control acne-breakouts. It even possesses anti-inflammatory properties which could reduce the redness as well as swelling caused by acne. It could soothe out the affected skin and diminish the acne formation considerably. The use of Ylang-Ylang essential oil with a carrier oil also possessing properties that work against acne would be recommendable.
  • Clears head lice: A combination of the Ylang-Ylang essential oil along with anise and coconut oil have credentials of eliminating head lice among children and adults. Also, because of its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, it could aid in eradicating any scalp related infections. Due to the presence of insecticide properties, the Ylang-Ylang oil is included in many recipes claiming to battle head lice.
  • Boosts self-esteem: A pilot study claims that Ylang-Ylang essential oil can boost self-esteem among a group of workers in sterilization and hygiene-related service. The aroma of this oil could address the negative feeling, fatigue, or shock and elevate as well as enliven an individual’s mood gradually. It kind-off sedates the mind, relaxes the body, and punches in an optimistic environment around the atmosphere.
  • Used in skin care: Ylang-Ylang essential oil can control as well as balance the oil production in the skin and can work as an effective cleanser. Any kind of inflammation or irritation could also be alleviated by its topical application. With its ability to boost circulation and retain hydration it is quite commonly used in cosmetic products. It has antioxidant properties which makes it an effective ingredient that works against aging as well. Also, the aroma of this oil is known to please the senses by emitting a gratifying fragrance.
  • Promotes hair growth: This oil encourages the growth of hair and conditions the hair shafts. It is even known to detangle and soothe out dandruff formation and consecutive itchiness. This in entirety reduces hair fall effectively and promotes hair growth. It is also considered as a natural remedy dating back to the Victorian era where the Ylang-Ylang oil was also included along with their Macassar hair oil. When massaged into the scalp generously it strengthens the hair follicles and attenuates hair loss.
  • Used in perfumes: This oil is known to possess a floral-sweet oriental scent. Because of these properties, it finds favor as a preferred perfume across the globe. Also, its exotic components of reducing anxiety and enhancing calmness qualify it as a common ingredient to be considered by perfume manufacturing companies.
  • Repel Insects: Owning insecticidal elements, the Ylang-Ylang essential oil is stated to be one of the ingredients used in the invention of insect repellant that could drive away insects, arachnids, and other arthropods. Also, in one of the studies published in the ”Journal of young pharmacists”, it has been reported that cornstarch along with the combination of Ylang-Ylang essential oil and citronella oil has results of working as an efficacious insect-repellent which is supposedly safe for humans as well as animals.
  • Nourishes dry skin: Ylang-Ylang essential oil has hydrating properties that aid in maintaining the skin’s oil production and keeps it well-nourished. Its natural antiseptic properties could even heal any kind of cuts or cracks caused by excessively dry skin. It can moisturize, replenish the skin as well keep it healthy.

Shop our therapy grade top quality Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil here