Benzoyl Peroxide & Oil Cleanser Together, A New Kick-Ass Acne Fighter

Have you been bothered by pimples and acne breakouts? Tried everything and nothing seemed to help? This article is a new solution for you.

As an OTC drug, benzoyl peroxide-containing face wash or cream can be an effective treatment for pimples and acne breakouts. Because in addition to reducing oil and removing dead skin cells, benzoyl peroxide also helps kill the bacteria that cause the pimples and acne. While it is safe and sometimes works for some people, many patients with oily skin complained that benzoyl peroxide doesn’t work for them or even worsens. Here is why.

Besides skin irritation, one of the biggest problems is that benzoyl peroxide can over-dry your skin. As a result, your skin will self-produce even more sebum to fight against the dryness caused by benzoyl peroxide. This self-produced sebum is generally rich in oleic acid, which can clog your pores badly and cause even more pimples and acne breakouts. It is the most common reason benzoyl peroxide fails to work on oily skin acne.

Fortunately, the researchers in Essence Planet have found an effective solution for people who have oily skin and acne problems. We strongly recommend using a combination of our “Midnight Recovery Oil Cleanser for Oily Skin” and an OTC benzoyl peroxide wash (10%) to better treat pimples and acne breakouts on oily skin for people of all ages, especially teenagers suffering from acne. Together, these two cleansers will work synergistically as A Kick-Ass Acne Fighter to reduce your pimples and breakouts magically in two to four weeks.

Treat pimples, breakouts and acne before and after

First of all, “like dissolves like,” our oil cleanser designed for oily skin will sweep off dirt, pollutants, sebum, and makeup gently and thoroughly from your skin without over-drying. It deep cleanses your pores and hydrates your skin naturally to solve the dryness caused by benzoyl peroxide while only letting its anti-inflammation benefit your skin. After washing, you will feel your skin is comfortably hydrated but not greasy.

Secondly, the thoughtfully formulated natural oils, including rosehip oil and safflower oil, are rich in linoleic acid and non-comedogenic. Therefore, they will replace your original self-produced oleic acid-rich sebum that can clog pores and cause acne. This linoleic acid-rich oil treatment can regulate your skin's sebum production and eventually build up balanced oil production and a healthy barrier on your skin, from which you can get a lifelong benefit.

Last but not least, the contained anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial hemp seed oil, castor oil, and tea tree essential oil will work with benzoyl peroxide together to soothe the inflammation naturally and efficiently. Also, with the help of argan oil, lemongrass essential oil, and vitamin E, these face wash leaves your skin replenished, nourished, and glowing.

How to apply this strategy? It’s straightforward.*

(1) Before your bedtime, dispense one to one ratio of the oil cleanser and the benzoyl peroxide wash onto your clean hand, mix them well;

(2) Massage the mixture gently on your dry face or other acne-affected areas;

(3) Leave the thin layer on your skin for about five minutes to get a better result;

(4) Rinse with lukewarm water and dry with a soft towel.


You can leave your skin breathable overnight or use your favorite acne-friendly skincare products. Do this process once every night, and enjoy a significant improvement of acne in two to four weeks. Don’t forget to share this with your friends after it works for you.

Benzoyl peroxide wash (10%) is commercially available in a pharmacy store. Please find the Essence Planet Midnight Recovery Oil Cleanser for Oily Skin from our website or using your Amazon Prime: 

Essence Planet oil cleanser for oily skin and benzoyl peroxide 10% wash

Midnight Recovery Oil Cleanser For Oily Skin - 4 oz (120 mL) – Essence Planet

*We suggest you do a patch test for allergies or other issues before the first use.