Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil

Sourced from the peel of the Citrus limonum plant, lemon essential oil has a fresh, citrusy scent. It has long been used as an aromatherapy as well as a home remedy to offer a number of health benefits. For example, it clears the skin, lifts mood, soothes anxiety, and stimulates the mind. 

  • Reduced Anxiety and Depression: Lemon oil can put you in a better mood by soothing anxiety and lifting the spirits. A small study on mice found that mice who inhaled lemon oil vapor showed a decrease in symptoms of stress.
  • Make Skin Healthier: Lemon oil has antimicrobial properties. When diluted and applied to the skin, it has demonstrated both antibacterial and anti-fungal effects. Lemon oil may also help in speeding up healing. A study on mange in rabbits showed marked improvement in those treated with lemon oil.
  • Ease Morning Sickness in Pregnant Women: In a study, pregnant women who inhaled lemon oil demonstrated a significant decrease in nausea. They also experienced less frequent and less intense vomiting.
  • Improved Mental Alertness: The brisk scent of lemon oil has an invigorating effect on the mind. In a small 2014 study on fourth graders, students who attended language lessons in a classroom where lemon oil was diffused performed significantly better on their exams. Another small study performed in 2008 concluded that aromatherapy with essential oils such as lemon could improve the cognitive function of people with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Treat and Prevent Acne Breakouts: When diluted and applied topically, lemon essential oil can kill bacteria that may get trapped in pores and cause breakouts. Lemon oil can also clean your skin with antioxidants and vitamin C, gently exfoliating dead skin cells that often become trapped in hair follicles and pores. Since lemon oil also has healing properties, you get the added bonus of speedier healing from breakouts and speeding treatment of your acne scars.
  • Promote Wound Healing: Since lemon essential oil is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and antimicrobial properties, it might not surprise you to learn that this oil might belong in your first aid kit. In an animal trial, lemon essential oil promoted faster healing of tissue infected with mange. You can cleanse the area of a small cut or scrape with diluted lemon oil to sanitize it, discourage infection, and possibly help the wound heal more quickly.
  • Has Anti-fungal Properties: Lemon essential oil has powerful antifungal properties for treating certain skin overgrowths. In fact, a 2017 review of studies notes it’s effective against fungi that cause athlete’s foot, thrush, and yeast infections when applied topically.
  • Potential side effects: Lemon essential oil is generally safe for topical and aromatherapy use. Notably, it’s reported to be safe for pregnant women and babies over three months old. Like the other essential oils in the citrus family, lemon essential oil makes your skin more sensitive to irritation from the sun, a condition called phototoxicity. It is best to avoid direct sunlight after using any citrus essential oils topically.

Shop our therapy grade top quality Lemon Essential Oil here