Benefits of Himalayan Cedarwood Essential Oil


The use of cedarwood goes back centuries. A piece of cedarwood was found in the Great Pyramid of Egypt, dating back over 5000 years. Cedarwood Essential Oil and its components have been analyzed in animal and human studies for potential health and beauty benefits. The components found in cedarwood oil include cedrine, cedrol, and thujopsene, etc. Researches suggest these components have a variety of properties including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, insecticidal, and antifungal.

  • For hair loss: Alopecia areata is a disease that causes the immune system to attack hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Cedarwood is one of several essential oils that may improve hair growth. A study reported in Archives of Dermatology in 1998 indicated that people with alopecia areata experienced significant hair growth when given a daily scalp massage of cedarwood, thyme, rosemary, and lavender essential oils, along with a carrier oil. This mixture was applied directly to the scalp for a seven-month period. 

  • For scalp conditions: Massaging your scalp with a mixture of cedarwood oil and a carrier oil may also help reduce and soothe an itchy, flaking scalp. This may make it beneficial for treating dandruff and scalp eczema. You can also try adding four to five drops of cedarwood oil directly into your shampoo or conditioner.

  • For skin: Cedarwood oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This may make it beneficial for skin conditions like acne. One case study indicated that the addition of cedarwood oil to traditional acne treatments was helpful for alleviating and reducing stubborn breakouts. This finding is backed up by anecdotal evidence. Try using cedarwood oil as an acne treatment by adding two or three drops to 5 teaspoons of a noncomedogenic carrier oil and applying it to your skin for 20 minutes once or twice a week. You can also add a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to a facial scrub. Make sure to do a patch test first to ensure that you don’t have an allergic reaction. Cedarwood oil may also be beneficial for other skin conditions. For example, it may reduce the appearance of scars, treat minor wounds, alleviate arthritis pain, and sooth symptoms of eczema.

  • For sleep: When used as an aromatherapy treatment, cedarwood oil may have sedative qualities, making it beneficial for alleviating occasional insomnia. Try using cedarwood oil as an aromatherapy treatment or add a few drops to a hot bath prior to going to bed. 

  • For anxiety: According to an animal study reported in Physiology and Behavior, the cedrol in cedarwood oil may have a soothing effect on mood, making it helpful for calming anxiety, and reducing stress.

Shop our therapy grade top quality Himalayan Cedarwood Essential Oil here